Vitamin Shots FAQs

Chicago Wellness Spa's Vitamin Shots FAQ's

Vitamin Shots FAQs

  • How long does a Booster vitamin shot take?

    Our Booster Shots typically take a few seconds to administer.

  • How long do the benefits of a Booster Shot last?

    The duration of effects will depend on the individual but typically last on average of 5-8 days

  • How quickly will I feel the effects of a Booster Shot?

    Effects depend on the individual’s physical and health status. Typically, the effects become fully noticeable after 12 -24 hours.

  • How often do people get Booster Shots?

    Everyone has different needs and requirement and this will depend on the desired effect. Our patients receive Booster Shots on average of once to twice a week.

  • Can I get more than one of your Booster Shots at the same time?

    Yes, our Booster Shots only contain natural ingredients and water-soluble vitamins. The effects of the different shots can be synergistic and any excess will be excreted naturally by the body. We generally recommend a maximum of 2 shots in one visit.

  • Can I get an IV therapy and a Vitamin Shot at the same time?

    Yes, and this is the ideal recommendation. IV nutrients and hydration are very effective at rapidly replenishing any deficiencies and helping the body establish balance. The Booster Shots then act as a reservoir for continuous release of nutrients, essentially prolonging the effects.

  • What Exactly is Vitamin B12?

    Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that plays an important role in many tasks such as forming red blood cells, maintaining the central nervous system, and other bodily functions. It is one of the most important vitamins because it performs essential functions like assisting in keeping a healthy blood flow and controlling key enzymes in the body. It is generally found in many similar foods and food products.

  • What are Some of the Benefits of a B12 Shot?

    B12 can also help with things like improving your metabolism, helping your memory, and boosting your focus and concentration. It can also be used to aid with diabetes, male infertility, and osteoporosis, as well as, help prevent vitamin B12 deficiency.

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