Signature Lymphatic Treatment FAQ's

Chicago Wellness Spa's Signature Lymphatic Treatment FAQ's

Signature Lymphatic Treatment FAQ's

  • How should I prepare before my treatment?

    We recommend that you drink plenty of water leading up to (and after) the treatment and to not come in on an empty stomach, as you will most likely go in the infrared sauna. Also, we require that no laser, botox, or wax treatments be done 24 hours prior to or after the treatment

  • Does lymphatic drainage help with loose skin?

    Yes, lymphatic drainage helps to boost collagen production and skin elasticity.

  • How long before a wedding or event should you get the treatment?

    You can get a treat up to the day before a wedding or event, however for best results we recommend that you come in frequently leading up to the event instead of just once.

  • How soon in postpartum is it safe to get this treatment?

    It is safe to get this treatment three weeks postpartum for a natural birth. If you have had a C-section, then we ask you to wait five weeks to get a treatment.

  • What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage?

    Our treatments help with reducing fluid retention, reducing inflammation, promoting collagen to the skin, anti-edema, anti-fibrosing, antispasmodic, tissue detox, and improving metabolic exchanges.

  • What special oils and creams do you use during the treatment?

    To prepare your body for the massage, we will apply our proprietary magnesium cream and wrap you in our osmotic wraps. Our in house magnesium scrub formula is mixed with other natural oils, which is used to increase your body's detoxification while in the infrared sauna.

  • Does this treatment hurt for post-op patients?

    No, actually for our post-operative treatments, we use more of a traditional lymphatic drainage technique around the scarred tissue. It is a slow, gentle, and superficial massage to focus on draining stagnant fluid and reducing inflammation.

  • How many treatments should you get post-op, and how soon after surgery should you start the massages?

    You may start doing our post-operative Treatments usually four weeks after surgery, however, it can be done earlier with the doctor’s recommendation (a letter or email from the doctor is required). For optimal results, we recommend that you come in once or twice a week for three to four weeks (this could vary depending on how your body reacts to the treatment).

  • Does lymphatic drainage help for women going through IVF / egg retrieval?

    The lymphatic system is everywhere there is circulation, meaning it is everywhere! It helps to filter your blood from any toxins that would normally cause inflammation and swelling hindering functionality. Through lymphatic drainage, we have movement of stagnant lymph improving circulation and essentially boosting the effectiveness of almost every system in your body.

  • With so much detox happening in the body, do you feel sick after the treatment?

    Nope, the detox is done through your lymphatic system for the natural release of toxins in your body. It is meant to boost your immune system not damage it.

  • Is it safe to do during your menstrual cycle?

    Yes, it is certainly safe, as long as you feel comfortable coming in.

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