Floatation Therapy FAQ's

Chicago Wellness Spa's Floatation Therapy FAQ's

Float Therapy FAQ's

  • Is there anything I should do to prepare for my float?

    Avoid alcohol and stimulants. Do not drink coffee at least 2 hours beforehand as it can make your system jittery. Eat a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes prior to your appointment. Also, it helps to be sufficiently hydrated before floating. We recommend not shaving or waxing 8 hours prior to your float as the salt water might sting. If this is your first experience with us, please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time for your orientation.

  • What about my hair?

    If you have recently dyed your hair, make sure that the color is completely set before you float, typically one week after your coloring depending on hair color.  A good test is to make sure there is no dye residue washing out in the shower at home. If you notice any color, please reschedule your float for another day. If you cannot wait to reschedule and prefer to protect the hair, please bring a silicone swim cap and you are in the clear to float.

    Floating reduces the longevity of keratin treatments and hair extensions. You might want to avoid floating if you have recently had any of these treatments. Silicone clip-in hair extensions are OK.

  • What is Magnesium Sulfate (aka Epsum Salt)?

    Magnesium Sulfate is a mineral, which has been shown to help detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, trigger the release of endorphins (happy chemicals) and provide relief from physical, mental, and emotional stress and fatigue.

  • When should I avoid floating?

    We request that you do NOT float if:

    -You have not been shown how to use the tank by a qualified person

    -You are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs

    -You’ve gotten a tattoo in the last 4-6 weeks

    -You have open or bleeding wounds

    -You suffer from incontinence or uncontrolled epilepsy

    -You have been medically advised not to float

  • Do I need to bring anything?

    If you wear contact lenses, please bring a contact case and solution as we recommend removing contacts prior to floating. Also, please bring a hair brush if you will be needing one post-float.

    We provide everything else you will need for your experience, including: towels, robes, slippers, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, moldable earplugs, a hair dryer, cotton swabs, body & face moisturizer, and post-float alkaline water.

    Our body wash, shampoo & conditioner are free from parabens, gluten, and harmful sulfates or artificial color and are not tested on animals.

    Each room is fully private and you go into the tank nude so there is no need to bring a swimsuit. You may wear one if you would like, but most find the material against their skin distracting.

  • What should I expect?

    When you arrive for your float, you will be taken to your own private float suite. Here you change out of your clothes and put in your silicone moldable earplugs, which are provided for you. If you wear contact lenses, you will remove them here.

    Before entering the float tank, you will take a quick pre-float shower to remove oils and products from your skin and hair. The pre-float shower shouldn’t be too hot–the temperature of the Epsom salt water is approximately 94 degrees Fahrenheit, which is ideal for deep relaxation. If your pre-float shower is too hot, the Epsom salt water will feel a bit cool.

    After your pre-float shower, you enter into the float suite. Our Chicago spa float suites are private and spacious, containing 1,000 pounds of pure Epsom salt that has been dissolved in a foot of water. This solution is so dense that when you lie back you float effortlessly.

    Our float suites have interior lighting, and integrated audio systems that are controlled by you. You can choose to turn the lights off, leave them on, dim them down, or leave just the star lights on. You can choose to listen to relaxing ambient music while you float, mindfulness meditation, music from your device, or you can simply float in silence.

    Once you step into the float environment you will lie back with your head at the back of the float tank. You can float with your arms at your side – palm ups or palms down – with your arms folded across your chest or belly, with your hands behind your head, or with your arms up in what we call “goal post position.” There is also a pillow designed specifically for the float environment that you can use if you need a little extra support behind your head.

    After 60 minutes, the end of your float session will be indicated by an exit track and a progressive brightening of the lights.

    You then carefully exit the float and take a post-float shower. This shower can be as hot as you like! Once you finish in the float room, you may transition to the beauty bar or into our relaxation/meditation lounge. The beauty bar is equipped with a hairdryer, qtips, and moisturizer so that you can get ready for your day. Our relaxation lounge is

    Floating activates the parasympathetic nervous system (also known as the rest-and-recover or rest-and-digest response) and it’s beneficial to hydrate after a float. We provide you with post-float alkaline water and/or tea to help remind you to do so.

  • What are some tips for having a great float?

    1. Put your ear plugs in before you shower.

    2. Take a lukewarm pre-float shower so that the Epsom salt solution doesn’t feel cool in comparison.

    3. Dry off your face and hairline before entering the float tank so that you are not tempted to rub your face and risk getting salt water in your eyes. If this does happen, there is a spray bottle of fresh water you can use to spritz your eyes.

    4. If you feel any neck tension try using the float pillow.

    5. After you find a comfortable position, try to remain still. Many people report a blurring of the boundary between the skin and the water and air. However, each time you move, the Epsom salt solution might feel a little warm or a little cool in comparison. Once you remain still again, the temperature will re-regulate.

    6. Relax and let go of expectations. Floating is a highly personal experience. Some people fall asleep, others enter into a deep meditative state, some notice areas of tension and practice letting that tension go, others let their minds wander and daydream, others simply enjoy the unique sensation of feeling weightless. Just remember that there is no wrong way to float and that, over time, your floating practice will grow and evolve.

    7. At the end of your float, sit up slowly and push the Epsom salt water away from your face.

  • What if I am claustrophobic?

    It’s OK. Many people are However, our Chicago float spa suites are very spacious and you are always in control. You can feel free to step out or stand up inside the tank at any time.  The light is controlled from inside, giving you total control to leave the lights on and/or the door open. It’s amazing when you close your eyes you feel more like you are floating in space than in a float room.

  • Can I drown if I fall asleep?

    No.  Some people fall asleep but the water is so buoyant that you stay afloat.  The worst that can happen is maybe getting a bit of salt water in your eyes.

  • What effects does floating have on the mind?

    During a float, you produce slower brain­wave patterns, known as theta waves, which are normally experienced only during deep meditation or just before falling asleep. This is usually accompanied by vivid imagery, very clear, creative thoughts, sudden insights and inspirations or feelings of profound peace and joy, induced by the release of endorphins, the body’s natural opiates.

    Because of these effects, floating is used effectively in the treatment of depression and addictions, including smoking and alcohol. It is also used in schools and universities as tools to enhance learning

  • What effects does floating have on the body?

    In the gravity free environment, the body balances and heals internally as all the senses are rested. Research shows that floating measurably reduces blood pressure and heart rate while lowering the levels of stress related chemicals in the body. Old injuries and aches, especially back pain, experience relief as floating helps with blood circulation.

  • Do I get dehydrated from soaking so long?

    No!  Your skin doesn’t even prune up and it becomes silky soft afterwards!

  • How long is the float session?

    A float session is a full 60 minutes. Although you can get out earlier if you prefer, the 60-minutes usually goes faster than you would expect.

  • How is water hygiene maintained?

    Between each and every float session, the entire volume of Epsom salt solution is filtered and disinfected. The float solution is filtered a minimum of 3 times between each float cycling 99.9% of the water through our filtration system. The solution passes through a micron filter, UV light chamber and an Ozonator. We also use hydrogen peroxide and test the water daily to ensure a sanitary environment. The benefits of this type of disinfection system is that it leaves behind no harsh chemicals.

  • Can I float if I am pregnant?

    Yes, however we do ask that you refrain from floating during your first trimester. Pregnant women have used floating to relieve the stress on their bodies for decades. By the reduction of external stimuli many pregnant women find floating helps them create a stronger bond with the unborn baby. If you are in your first trimester or have any concerns, please consult with your health care provider before booking a float.

  • Should I workout before or after a float?

    We find it is better to get your hard workout in before your float. Floating reduces muscle tension, neutralizes the spine and helps the body recover more quickly.

  • What happens after my float?

    For the new floater, your first float primarily involves getting your body accustomed to the new environment. Try to take notice of how you feel shortly afterwards and days following your float. Most people experience a boost of energy, enhanced awareness, deeper capacity to relax, and improved performance and creativity. It is recommended to float three to five times to initially understand the process of flotation and begin to reap its long-term advantages. The benefits are cumulative, which explains why flotation devotees incorporate this therapy into their everyday lives.

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